Schedule your visit Request an appointment + 1 727-753-7787 Fill in the request form and we will contact you within 24 hrs. If you are already an established patient, please log into our patient portal to send a private message to your doctor. Click here to access your portal. Preferred name Last name Date of birth Pronouns Please select He/Him She/Her They/Them Other Phone Email What's your insurance plan? Please select I'm paying for myself I'll choose my insurance later Aetna Blue Cross Blue Shield (BCBS) Cigna UnitedHealthcare Florida Blue Other What's the reason for your visit? Please select Allergic Cough Annual Checkup Asthma Blood Work Cholesterol / Lipids Checkup Diabetes Consultation Ear Infection Flu Illness Other Preferred Location Please select Tampa Pinellas Park Where did yuou hear about us? Please select Friend/word of mouth Google Ads Facebook Instagram Magazine/Paper Spot on TV Message I accept the Terms of Service Request an appointment >